LIFE VAIA applies temporary agroforestry in damaged forests as a strategy to ensure the economic survival of local communities and increase forest resilience and adaptation to climate change.
The indicators that allow us to measure and assess the key impacts are:
– Reforestation of damaged sites according to innovative agroforestry concepts (Total area involved in the project: 615 ha of regenerated forest habitat)
– Creation of economic chains based on certified organic and sustainable products with support for the local economy
– Increasing the ecological, economic and social resilience of damaged forest ecosystems
– Production of products with minimal impact, increasing biodiversity and sustainable use of resources
The landscape we are observing is changing … but it can also be a new opportunity for anthophilous apoids and broader animal and plant diversity!
We are carrying out biomonitoring with bees, and the honeys produced in the VAIA apiaries (Trentino and Veneto) are being botanically characterised and subjected to residual analyses, but the monitoring of amphibians and reptiles is also giving us great satisfaction. Just think that we have detected the presence of over 20 species in environments where catastrophic events had destroyed everything…!